Dream Prague
Dream Prague
  • Видео 256
  • Просмотров 14 267 853


Просмотров 40 тыс.Месяц назад
Просмотров 19 тыс.2 месяца назад
The strangest Czech food (Czech kids love it!)
Просмотров 74 тыс.2 месяца назад
The strangest Czech food (Czech kids love it!)
REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK - Back in Prague after traveling abroad
Просмотров 29 тыс.3 месяца назад
REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK - Back in Prague after traveling abroad
A little Czech Chat (with eng. subtitles) about traditions on Three Kings Day
Просмотров 6 тыс.3 месяца назад
A little Czech Chat (with eng. subtitles) about traditions on Three Kings Day
Everything is changing in 2024
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Everything is changing in 2024
PRAGUE Travel Tips for 2024
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PRAGUE Travel Tips for 2024
A Czech chat about Christmas (B1 level)
Просмотров 8 тыс.4 месяца назад
A Czech chat about Christmas (B1 level)
Просмотров 46 тыс.4 месяца назад
Czechs do WHAT at Christmas time?! (American speaking Czech)
Просмотров 32 тыс.5 месяцев назад
Czechs do WHAT at Christmas time?! (American speaking Czech)
REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK: Back to the US after 11 years living in Prague, Czech Republic
Просмотров 71 тыс.5 месяцев назад
REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK: Back to the US after 11 years living in Prague, Czech Republic
CZECH vs. ENGLISH (Can you guess these funny Idioms?)
Просмотров 24 тыс.6 месяцев назад
CZECH vs. ENGLISH (Can you guess these funny Idioms?)
What Czech Holiday are we celebrating today?
Просмотров 19 тыс.7 месяцев назад
What Czech Holiday are we celebrating today?
How To Spot A Real Czech In Prague
Просмотров 49 тыс.7 месяцев назад
How To Spot A Real Czech In Prague
CZECH vs. U.S. Identity - who does it better?
Просмотров 31 тыс.7 месяцев назад
CZECH vs. U.S. Identity - who does it better?
Why you should grow old in a foreign country
Просмотров 31 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Why you should grow old in a foreign country
What city Czechs do in summer 🔥 (how we Prague locals spend our time)
Просмотров 15 тыс.7 месяцев назад
What city Czechs do in summer 🔥 (how we Prague locals spend our time)
IS PRAGUE FOR KIDS? (3 American kids find out!)
Просмотров 20 тыс.8 месяцев назад
IS PRAGUE FOR KIDS? (3 American kids find out!)
The Czech executor is after me!
Просмотров 27 тыс.8 месяцев назад
The Czech executor is after me!
Czechs vs. Americans: Dating American men
Просмотров 11 тыс.9 месяцев назад
Czechs vs. Americans: Dating American men
In defense of Americans abroad (from an American immigrant in Europe)
Просмотров 24 тыс.9 месяцев назад
In defense of Americans abroad (from an American immigrant in Europe)
The Czechs were robbed! (again!)
Просмотров 18 тыс.9 месяцев назад
The Czechs were robbed! (again!)
Don't miss this in Prague! (Tips from a Local)
Просмотров 33 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Don't miss this in Prague! (Tips from a Local)
How America saved (lost?) the Czechs
Просмотров 29 тыс.10 месяцев назад
How America saved (lost?) the Czechs
The smelliest food in all of Europe? (in the most beautiful town of Olomouc!)
Просмотров 45 тыс.11 месяцев назад
The smelliest food in all of Europe? (in the most beautiful town of Olomouc!)
How to celebrate love like they do in Prague
Просмотров 21 тыс.Год назад
How to celebrate love like they do in Prague
Real Life in Prague (American local's perspective)
Просмотров 45 тыс.Год назад
Real Life in Prague (American local's perspective)
Czech Universities vs U.S. Universities
Просмотров 55 тыс.Год назад
Czech Universities vs U.S. Universities
Prague’s Biggest Fair (hundreds of years old!)
Просмотров 13 тыс.Год назад
Prague’s Biggest Fair (hundreds of years old!)


  • @Kuba1428CZ
    @Kuba1428CZ 10 часов назад

    In czech republic doesn't really matter of we use comma or dot, we just put gaps where commas would be

  • @pavelhusar2857
    @pavelhusar2857 12 часов назад

    Hézký!👍 pekne povedané o tom Brne, ako mladšej sestre Prahy 🙂 Nabudúce môžete ísť na hrad nad Brnom, Špilberk. 👍😉 P. S.: normálne mám teraz chuť zájsť si do Brna 🤔👍😉

  • @pavelhusar2857
    @pavelhusar2857 13 часов назад

    Poučné. O tej vlajke som to nevedel ani ja a keď som bol malý, tiež sa mi to mýlilo 😂😂😂 Vďaka Jenny, teraz už viem 😘 No, v jednom pozadí si rozdelila Česko - Slovensko nesprávne. Záhorie patrí do Slovenskej republiky a nie do Čiech. To by si zase naši českí bratia mohli nárokovať aj Skalický trdelník a to by som už naozaj nevydržal😂😂😂

  • @fanysoft
    @fanysoft 15 часов назад

    Very true, actually Czechs really HATES Russians, so don't ever mentione it

  • @PavelReiter
    @PavelReiter 21 час назад

    The bureaucrats are at the best barons. If you want to rule them, bring a lawyer with you and they will often be scared from the unknown prospect of a repercussion for possible misbehaving and breaking of the law

  • @thiagosebba81
    @thiagosebba81 День назад

    Russos e Tchecos são povos irmãos pois pertecem ao mesmo tronco étnico e as duas linguas são bem proximas tambem, mais eu confesso q não sei a real ligação deste enclave com a Republica Tcheca se for pra mudar de mãos q seje para um país eslavo ou Polônia ou Republica Tcheca seria mais justo, mais quem temq decidir e o proprio povo de Kaliningrado ou Kralové em tcheco seria o mais correto .mais e claro q isso e uma gozação né kkk.

  • @simondvorak9405
    @simondvorak9405 День назад

    If i could talk about my countri history yeah we Got a big history

  • @katka5155
    @katka5155 День назад

    Opravdu chválím češtinu. Taky se u nás říká, "nestavěj si vzdušné zámky" tedy nemysli na to že budeš bydlet v zámku, stačí ti slušný byt. A tím se všechno spojí, je zbytečné se honit za hromadou peněz když život utíká rychleji a pak už bude pozdě to změnit. Tedy je dobré si vydělat tolik abychom mohli v klidu žít a spokojit se s tím a zbytek času žít svůj život. Samozřejmě je to každého rozhodnutí a nedá se to vztahovat na všechny.

  • @janpolster4139
    @janpolster4139 День назад

    I am afraid, speaking about political correctness, that you mix several things to one. Firstly, everywhere (USA, Czech rep., ...) you should be polite, so saying to somebody she is *@#$%^* is definitely uacceptable in ČR. On the other hand, when somebody does something repulsive on the workplace, disturbing his colleagues, it is logical and in many cases also professional to make him avare of that. Politely and in private, of course. If somebody stinks a lot or comes in bikini, it definitely causes discomfort of colleagues. Political correctness as you present it means preventing possible discomfort of an individual for the price of certain discomfort of people around. This is illogical and even rude.

  • @ambraandingrid
    @ambraandingrid 2 дня назад

    I am from Europe and very familiar with CZ and Germany living in California for the last 30 years and still miss and love most CZ/German lifestyle/living conditions. Till this day i tend to criticize US way of life, including everything you've mentioned, Healthcare system, education system ..etc. till this day, my bedding includes 2 twin size duvets instead of one giant sheet.😬 though I love the very uniquely US garbage disposal that is also banned in EU due to environmental protection. Europeans are much more environmental friendly, and so am I as an European living in CA.🫠

  • @petraschovankova6898
    @petraschovankova6898 2 дня назад

    Why are you using this music?

  • @user-hi6cz5qx4m
    @user-hi6cz5qx4m 2 дня назад

    Love your stuff. I am in Praque for the 1st time with a couple other guys. Older (60s-70) and interested perhaps in a tourguide for an afternoon? Interested?

  • @user-hi6cz5qx4m
    @user-hi6cz5qx4m 2 дня назад

    New Yorkers are famous for looking straight ahead, not chatting it up with others in public.

  • @azizwill9956
    @azizwill9956 2 дня назад

    Th fact is that you said in almost 14 minutes can be said in 2-3 minutes. Just boring 14 mins.

  • @dobroslavopatrny8929
    @dobroslavopatrny8929 2 дня назад

    Co to bláboliš.....zapoměla jsi na bombardování Prahy , Plzně a stovky mrtvých.

  • @dsmoke1972
    @dsmoke1972 3 дня назад

    Walking out of your flat on the first day and seeing endless tubs of carp on the sidewalk is definitely one of the trippiest things you'll ever experience.

  • @hamad9192
    @hamad9192 3 дня назад

    I hate nudity😤

  • @gustavkusnir483
    @gustavkusnir483 3 дня назад

    If you would be interested in US food industry here is a valuable insight: ruclips.net/video/WahfJpSrA1k/видео.html

  • @SnowDrift-bh7wb
    @SnowDrift-bh7wb 3 дня назад

    asked by a Czech "you're too nice, tell me what you really think about us..." - I'd like to give a warning to everyone: This is a lose/lose situation. Remember the Star Wars meme "it's a trap!", said by Admiral Ackbar when the rebel fleet discovered the imperial Death Star had fully functional shields and was ready to shoot its main cannon? Circumvent that question like e.g. "sorry, but I refuse generalizations" or "which 'Czech' do you mean exactly? A citizen of Prague, a Moravian, a Slezan, or someone from Bohemia?" or "there's no general answer to a rich and diverse nation like you are, so whatever I'd say can be right for some and wrong for others and personally I don't like to be generalized myself". Just make sure to leave this topic behind as quickly as possible.

  • @karelbroda8877
    @karelbroda8877 3 дня назад

    Tobik is the star! He even does what our Frankie also does , they both like to lie down on clean towels.

  • @Rustycafe72
    @Rustycafe72 4 дня назад

    Ɣ Ƒ Ɛ

  • @kaferere
    @kaferere 4 дня назад

    Lots of Cowboy hats and not a Black face in sight ...............yeah, I'm going to have to say no thanks. I like museums but I don't want to live in one.

  • @monikaschermer6520
    @monikaschermer6520 4 дня назад

    The biggest difference between US & CZ culture I always tell people is Czechs work to live while Americans live to the work. (Just like you say, it’s sooo true!)

  • @pavelzradula9533
    @pavelzradula9533 4 дня назад

    ruclips.net/video/71IlYoKNvzY/видео.htmlsi=njqwHHzRd4sQrVpl - ruclips.net/user/shortsyk8UrjxuBps?si=10GWs8rq_oyJsVVX

  • @robertsafar2908
    @robertsafar2908 4 дня назад

    zavinac je pravy alt +V

  • @dudoklasovity2093
    @dudoklasovity2093 4 дня назад

    a jeste mame : "doby dup" a "kolik tresni, tolik visni" - ale to posledni neumi ani Cesi :-D

  • @courtneyrivas8951
    @courtneyrivas8951 5 дней назад

    Not to be creepy, but this view looks like when I used to live on Francouska! There was a yellow school across the courtyard. Great memories and your videos have me wanting to move back!

  • @MichalHegar
    @MichalHegar 6 дней назад

    Probably the worst decision in history to the detriment of the modern Czechia. This decision cost the Czechia decades of stagnation under the rule of communism, that harmed us in every way.

  • @o.r.1988
    @o.r.1988 6 дней назад

    Your understanding of the movie is spot on, sans a couple of cultural details. For teenagers this voluntarily-mandatory fortnight of work was an escape from lessons and parents, first loves, new friendships, adventures of all kinds :-)) The work was a little rough for a typical town boy/girl, but we didn't mind. And yes the mid sixties was a breath of relative freedom when even such subversive movies could be made. We all understood its subversiveness which is why this film has been so loved. It's iconic, and it's in our hearts.

  • @petrtowwer
    @petrtowwer 6 дней назад

    Its not Elbe its Labe

  • @petervoloch268
    @petervoloch268 6 дней назад

    Since you are speaking decent Czech, do you also speak or at least understand Slovak?

  • @Runoratsu
    @Runoratsu 7 дней назад

    Tihihihi… 😸 This all is very much similar in Germany. Okay, I grew up with parents who were big FKK fans, too, so I was used to it from the start anyway, but still, broadly similar in general here. Even moreso in former East Germany.

  • @elevek
    @elevek 7 дней назад

    Public urinating is tightly connected to paying for urinating in designated places.

  • @Runoratsu
    @Runoratsu 7 дней назад

    It’s interesting. One of my closest friends-we haven‘t even been friends for too long, but his kindness and general mentality quickly won me over-is Czech. And while I do love him dearly, it’s … not always easy. These two videos, interestingly enough, mention a LOT of the things that are a bit difficult for me to take from time to time, as a (very Americanized, I guess) German. It’s crazy HOW many, really, are spot on, even to this one individual person. It’s very nice as a frame of reference, to put them into perspective! So thank you!

  • @Havlicek_Jan
    @Havlicek_Jan 7 дней назад


  • @Mike-kr7cg
    @Mike-kr7cg 8 дней назад


  • @FridrichHlava-bv4kn
    @FridrichHlava-bv4kn 8 дней назад

    Because the European union is a MUMMY- and will fell soon apart- as well as the NATO, when the USA will leave NATO!! And this will be a new era many EWuropean states will leave the EU as well because the EU is a toll for the Washington clerks to easier rule the Eueopean bountries, which had lost a part of their soverignty by becoming members of EU...

  • @david4360
    @david4360 8 дней назад

    2021 : constitution law about voting was change just before voting - which is against contitution ( minimum is 1 year ahead of election) also government build up from 5 fractions is against law. This is not democracy.

  • @OCN24
    @OCN24 8 дней назад

    I think Los Angeles is not a good example of regular USA life

  • @handabear01
    @handabear01 9 дней назад

    Geniální rozbor :) Díky

  • @mariankohn8411
    @mariankohn8411 9 дней назад

    Ja som sa narodil v Československu a hoci rešpektujem formálne rozdelenie republík, stále vnímam, že patríme k sebe a môžeme byť navzájom pre seba inšpiráciou a oporou aj na medzinárodnej scéne. 🇨🇿 + 🇸🇰 = ❤

  • @user-mo7tx3fj7q
    @user-mo7tx3fj7q 9 дней назад

    Češi jsou vlastně rodina..

  • @astra6815
    @astra6815 9 дней назад

    Přestěhuj se !!!!

  • @TheMrPippo
    @TheMrPippo 10 дней назад

    Jsem Cech a po studiich v Cesku jsem se odstehoval do zahranici. Nejprve do Francie, pote do Belgie a nemuzu si stezovat. Moje pracovni moralka je podobna spise te americke, mozna proto, ze po praci v multinational korporatu jsem zacal pracovat v male, ale velmi vyspele firme, plne vysoce kvalifikovanych lidi, kde neni cas zahalet a nikdo za vas nic neudela. Hodne Vam fandim, a doufam, ze v Praze a v CR vydrzite jeste hodne dlouho. Vase cestina je super!!!

  • @hanahejzlar
    @hanahejzlar 10 дней назад

    Kde nacházíš tyto znalosti českého národa návyků, když tvoje znalost češtiny komunikace je stále velmi limitovaná…..

  • @DuolingoChemist
    @DuolingoChemist 10 дней назад

    "Mikuláš je jenom české" Slováci: 💀

  • @janlala6599
    @janlala6599 10 дней назад

    Nudle s mákem jsem nikdy neměl rád. V pečivu to mám rád.

  • @DaniGrappler
    @DaniGrappler 10 дней назад

    And not a single word about how children friendly this country is. Interesting.

  • @janlala6599
    @janlala6599 10 дней назад

    3:55 dark joke is much better than weird small talk

  • @janlala6599
    @janlala6599 11 дней назад

    Jen, what is your zodiac sign? Aries, Lion or Sagittarius?